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I'm an alien!!

So after visiting the immigration office, waiting for 5 hours and failing to make my alien registration card the first time I was finally able to do it this time! Kim and I waited about 4 1/2 hours this time and at first they had some trouble with me because of Visa was messed up but in the end they fixed my visa so I now have it for one year and they made my card! We are still working on Kim's hopefully tomorrow everything will be worked out.

This week was spent meeting friends who we haven't seen in a long time and just going to class. Kim and I met up with Jiyoung (who is a friend of a friend) and just talked and ate lunch. Then I was able to see my friend Christine who I haven't seen in 1 1/2 years! It was nice being able to catch up and just see her. Last night Kim and I were able to see two of our Korean friends that we had met back in Michigan. It has been over a year since seeing them. We ate dinner, shopped and had desert. It was really nice because both of them live outside of Seoul and they came in for the weekend to see us. 

Tonight I get to see two friends that I met while I was in Japan 3 years ago! They are taking us to a restaurant for some kind of chicken soup. It should look something like this 

That pretty much sums up my week. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I never remember to take any till its too late :D

Till next time.


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